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Force Behind the Lift: Intern Edition

Here at Rotary we are pleased to offer internships to some of the best and brightest college students, so that they may gain valuable work experience from the makers of the “World’s Most Trusted Lift.”  They mean more to Rotary than a short...

Force Behind the Lift: Chelsea Ebley

Donde esta la bibloteca? Or, Rotary Lifts son el numero uno? Did you catch that? Some of our readers may but others might think it a series of typos. Being the World’s Most Trusted Lift is a statement we take great pride in. Since Rotarys are sold pretty much anywhere...

Force Behind the Lift: Jeff Owen

It’s not just our lifts. It’s 90+ years of experience and an obsession for quality that sets Rotary Lift apart from the rest. By having the best, brightest and hardest working people in the industry, Rotary lifts have set the standard for quality, ingenuity and value...

Force Behind the Lift: Josh Scroggins

Have you been car shopping lately? If you have, then you can see there is huge difference in pricing for the same year, make and models. All of the versions will get you from a to b, so what’s the difference? The options and accessories. A base model vehicle has the...

Force Behind the Lift: Aaron Ferguson

When you think of a company’s IT department, images of socially awkward young men who make fun of those who need help with their computer may come to mind. At Rotary Lift however, that description couldn’t be further from the truth. With technology evolving so...

Force Behind the Lift: Scott Field

Does your typical day consist of blogging, writing emails and scrolling through multiple social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? If no, then you are probably an adult with a normal career; if you answered yes, you are either a teenager between the...

Force Behind the Lift: Christina Lagaly

“I love it when a plan comes together.” That was a character’s famed tag line in a very popular television show. The premise was a very elaborate plan with many moving parts, would somehow always fall into place, and the good guys would win. The show...

Force Behind the Lift: Julie Moore

When you think of a credit specialist, images of vast call centers and thick accented operators come to mind. Maybe someone sitting in a glass office determining how much they think you can afford when buying a home. A Rotary credit specialist however, may be as much...
The Force Behind the Lift – Jared Miller

The Force Behind the Lift – Jared Miller

Have you ever needed someone to build a website from the ground up? A person to edit a photo where it looks like you climbed Everest? Maybe you are looking for a guy who makes his own clothes and uses turtle shells as cereal bowls? Well, do we have the man for you!...